

  • X. Emery, S.A. Séguret, 2020. “Geostatistics for the Mining Industry - Applications to Porphyry Copper Deposits”. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 247 p. (ISBN: 978-0-367-50575-2).    
  • X. Emery, S.A. Séguret, 2020. “Geoestadística de Yacimientos de Cobre Chilenos – 35 Años de Investigación Aplicada”. Caligrama, 442 p. (ISBN: 9788418073205).    


  • Geostatistique de Gisements de Cuivre Chiliens – 35 Années de Recherche Appliquée. S. Séguret, X. Emery, 2019. Presses des Mines, 264 p. ISBN: 978-2-35671-562-3.


  • Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry – 5th International Seminar on Mine Planning.  X. Emery, E. Moreno, C. Arroyo, C. Bisso, A. Brickey, M. Echeverria, R. Freire, D. Gómez, H. Göpfert, F. Ibarra (eds.). Gecamin Ltda, Santiago, 522 p. ISBN: 978-956-9393-84-6.


  • Desarrollo e implementación de sistemas de tratamiento pasivo tipo DAS en drenajes ácidos de mina con elevada concentración metálica (Monte Romero-Mina Esperanza). Manuel A. Caraballo. ISBN:978-84-16061-01-3, D.L.: H 28-2014.


  • 10th International Mineral Processing Conference, Procemin 2013. (Proceedings, and book of abstracts) Álvarez, Mayeli; Doll, Alex; Kracht, Willy; Kuyvenhoven, Romke. Eds. ISBN: 978-956-9393-00-6, 978-956-8504-99-1.


  • 9th International Mineral Processing Conference, Procemin 2012. (Proceedings, and book of abstracts) Doll, Alex; Kracht, Willy; Kuyvenhoven, Romke. Eds. ISBN: 978-956-8504-82-3, 978-956-8504-81-6.


  • Proceedings of the 8th International Mineral Processing Seminar, Procemin 2011. Kracht, Willy; Kuyvenhoven, Romke; Lynch-Watson. Susan; Montes-Atenas, Gonzalo. Eds. ISBN: 978-956-8504-62-05.


  • Proceedings of the 7th International Mineral Processing Seminar, Procemin 2010. Kracht, Willy; Kuyvenhoven, Romke; Montes-Atenas, Gonzalo. Eds. ISBN: 978-956-8504-41-0.
  • HYDROPROCESS, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Process Hydrometallurgy. M. Jo, J.P. Ibáñez, J. Casas (eds.). Salesianos Impresores S.A., Santiago, 116 p. ISBN: 978-956-8504-29-8.
  • MINE CLOSURE, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mine Closure. A. Fourie, M. Tibbett, J. Wiertz (eds.). Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG), The University of Western Australia, 740 p. ISBN: 978-0-9806154-4-9.
  • ENERMIN, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Energy Management in the Mining Industry. J. Wiertz (ed.). Fyrma Gráfica, Santiago, 75 p. ISBN: 978-956-8504-37.
  • WIM, Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Water Management in the Mining Industry. J. Wiertz (ed.). Salesianos Impresores S.A., Santiago, 512 p. ISBN: 978-956-8504-27.
  • MININ, Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Mining Innovation, R. Castro, X. Emery y R. Kuyvenhoven, (eds.), Salesianos Impresores S.A., Santiago, Chile, 532 p., Junio 2010.


  • ENVIROMINE, I International Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Mining Industry. Jacques Wiertz & Chris Moran (eds.). Quebecor World Chile, Santiago, Chile, 76 p. ISBN 978-956-8504-23-6.
  • HydroCopper, V International Copper Hydrometallurgy Workshop. Esteban Domic & Jesús Casas (eds.). Quebecor World Chile, Santiago, Chile,  64 p. ISBN 978-956-8504-21-2.
  • MOLTEN, VIII International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts. Mario Sánchez, Roberto Parra, GabrielRiveros & Carlos Díaz (eds.). Quebecor World Chile, Santiago, Chile, 157 p. ISBN 978-956-8504-20-5.
  • Paste, XII International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings. Richard Jewell, Andy Fourie, Sergio Barrera & Jacques Wiertz (eds.). 390 p. ISBN 978-0-9804185-8-3.
  • PROCEMIN, VI International Mineral Processing Seminar. Peter Amelunxen, Willy Kracht & Romke Kuyvenhoven (eds.). Quebecor World Chile, Santiago, 554 p. ISBN 978-956-8504-26-7.


  • Geostats 2008 – Proceedings of the Eighth International Geostatistics Congress, Ortiz, J. M., and Emery, X., editors, Quebecor World Chile, Santiago, Chile, December 2008, vols. 1-2, 1188 p.
  • “Effect of frother on bubble coalescence, break-up, and initial rise velocity”. W. Kracht, 2008. PhD Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 174 p.
  • MININ, Proceedings of the III International Conference on Mining Innovation, J. Arias, R. Castro y T. Golosinski, editors, Quebecor World Chile S.A., Santiago, Chile, 498 p., Agosto 2008.
  • PROCEMIN, V International Mineral Processing Workshop, R. Kuyvenhoven, C. Gómez y A. Casali, editors,  Quebecor World Chile S.A., Santiago, Chile, 476 p., Octubre 2008.


  • Castro, R., “Study of the Mechanisms of Gravity Flow for Block Caving”, PhD Thesis, The University of Queensland: Brisbane, 2007.
  • HydroCopper, IV International Copper Hydrometallurgy Workshop. Jorge Menacho y Jesús Casas (eds.). Quebecor World Chile, Santiago, Chile, 404 p. ISBN 978-956-8504-07-6


  • E. Rubio, 2006. “Block cave mine infrastructure reliability applied to production planning”. Ph. D thesis, Mining Engineering Department, University of British Columbia, 146 p.
  • T. Marin, 2006. “Modeling of Free Surface Flow Problems with Phase Change Three Phase Flows”. Chapter 9 in:Multiphysic Modeling with Finite Element Method, W.B.J. Zimmerman (ed.), World Scientific Publishing Company, p. 297-308. ISBN: 9812568433.
  • HYDROPROCESS, First International Workshop on Precess Hydrometallurgy. E. Domic, J.M. Casas (eds.): Impresos Socias Ltda, Santiago, 658 p. ISBN: 956-8504-03-6.
  • MININ, Proceedings of the II International Conference on Mining Innovation, Ortiz, J. M., Guzmán, R., Rubio, E.,Henríquez, F., and Lillo, P., (eds.), Impresos Socías Ltda., Santiago, Chile, 637 p., May 2006.
  • PROCEMIN, International Mineral Processing Workshop, L. Gutiérrez, G. Vallebuona, A. Casali, L. Cerda y C. Barahona, editors, Departamento de Ingeniería de Minas de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, November 23-24, 2006.
  • T. Marin, W. Zimmerman, “Numerical Modeling of Moving Boundaries Fluid Flows Problems with Phase Change – Three Phases Flows”, Chapter in Process Modelling and Simulation with Finite Element Methods, 2nd Edition, World Scientific, 2006.


  • MININ, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mining Innovation, Magri, E. J., Ortiz, J. M., Knights, P., Vera, M., Henríquez, F., and Barahona, C., (eds.), Santiago, Chile, August 2004.


  • M. Arnaud et X. Emery; “Estimation et interpolation spatiale”, Hermes Science Publications, 221 p. París, 2000.
  • Chacón. J., "Tecnología de los explosivos" Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Departamento de Ingenieriía de  Minas, 2000.
  • Emery, X., "Geoestadística Lineal", Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Depto. Ingeniería de Minas, 2000.


  • Salinas T., Camilo. "Construcción de túneles, chimeneas y piques" Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencas Físicas y Matemáticas, Departamento de Ingenieriía de Minas, 1998.


  • L. Cifuentes,“La izquierda ante el cambio de siglo”, Cuarto Propio, 1997.
  • L. Cifuentes (editor y coautor), “La Reforma Universitaria en Chile, 1967-1973”, Editorial USACh, 1997.


  • Cifuentes, L., "Selecting process modeling software", Encyclopedia of chemical processing and technology, Vol 34 (J.J. Mcketta, Ed.), Marcel Dekker Inc., 1996.


  • Casali, A., Dobby, G., Molina, C. and Thoburn, W. Eds, "Mineral processing and environment" Copper '95, Vol. II, CIM, Canadá, 1995.